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test test test


You can’t bear the bite of a flea: how will you endure the bite of a snake? In appearance I am ruining your work, but in reality I am making a thorn into a rose-garden. – Rumi. Fear doesn’t just kill our capacity to think clearly and rationally, it also freezes our heart. It constricts […]

Notice your way to Freedom

There is a popular misconception that the aim of mindfulness is to somehow stop our thoughts or switch off the mind. Perhaps we believe that to be enlightened or free we must live in a constant state of no-thinking. It’s a nice idea, and one I spent many years pursuing, but the truth is that […]

The Life-Changing Art of Paying Attention

Mindfulness isn’t about chasing mystical experiences, but the down to earth practice of paying attention to your own life, as it unfolds in each moment. The tragedy is that we spend so little time fully available to our present moment experience, that we essentially miss life as it happens in front of us. If we […]

How To Be Hit By An Arrow

It’s that time of the year when everyone seems to be sneezing, coughing and feeling under the weather. How we relate to being ill is a good example of the way we fight life when it suddenly stops doing what we want it to do. We struggle with being ill simply because it’s something we […]

A is for Attention

This week I discovered that according to the Statistic Brain Research Institute, the average attention span of web users in 2015 is just 8.25 seconds. The average attention span of a goldfish is 9 seconds. This is something I find alarming considering that we are the most evolved and technologically advanced species on earth. How […]