Discover how to train your mind and transform your life.
Mike Kewley is a mindfulness teacher I wholeheartedly recommend and endorse. He has a unique and effective way of distilling the wisdom of ages and teachings of mindfulness that can open up new possibilities and provide a sense of freedom for people.
– Michael, USA.
The changes I have seen and felt in myself are simply incredible. Having learnt to step back and to get out of my own way, I have discovered the art of simply “being” and the indescribable beauty that is true peace.
– Lou, Isle of Man
Words fail me to do justice to describe my full experience over the last 6 weeks. You have a unique ability to explain and simplify complex concepts relating to Mindfulness. They have brought me so much stillness and peace that I have not experienced previously during my years of meditation.
– Mahendran, Sydney, Australia
Join Mindfulness Teacher, TEDx Speaker and Author Mike Kewley for his new online 6-week Mindfulness Training Course and discover how to transform your life from the inside out. Whether you want to reduce stress and anxiety, enhance your mental and emotional health, access inner peace and fulfilment, or simply want to start a regular meditation practice, this course will give you a range of simple but powerful practices and perspectives to transform your relationship to the mind, body and world.
Book Your Early Bird Ticket
Course Outline
Week 1: Living in the Present Moment
What is happiness and where does it live? Introducing the origins and neuroscience of Mindfulness and discovering how shifting our attention away from our thoughts, and into our present moment experience, can transform the way we live.
Week 2: Being with the Mind
Exploring our relationship to the mind and introducing the noting technique to help us recognise and detach from negative thoughts patterns, allowing them to come and go, like clouds passing through the sky.
Week 3: Being with the Body
By discovering how to turn our attention towards our physical sensations we can discover a depth of well-being, sensitivity and aliveness, free from the mental chatter which often clouds it. Introducing the body-scan practice for embodiment and deep rest.
Week 4: Cultivating Compassion
Cultivating compassion is vital for peace of mind and a valuable skill for navigating difficult emotions, experiences and relationships. Introducing the Loving Kindness Practice as a way to generate friendliness, acceptance and interconnection.
Week 5: Life is Flow
By recognising that our experience is characterised by flux, change and impermanence, we can learn to flow with each unique moment, rather than trying to stop, fix or freeze it. Exploring the value of the body-sweep meditation.
Week 6: Mindfulness in Action
Mindfulness is not something we just do sitting on a cushion, but a skill to enhance every moment of our lives. Exploring Shinzen Young’s See Hear Feel technique to integrate our Mindfulness skills into daily life and looking at how to develop our practice further.
Tuesday 12th November 2024
Tuesday 19th November 2024
Tuesday 26th November 2024
Tuesday 3rd December 2024
Tuesday 10th December 2024
Tuesday 17th December 2024
20.00 – 21.30 UK
21.00 – 22.30 Europe
16.00 – 17.50 Eastern USA
13.00 – 14.30 Western USA
*Early Bird Ticket: £99.00
(Includes weekly course handouts, links to guided practices and audio recordings of each session to listen back to at your convenience).
*Offer ends 1st October. Standard price £120.00.
Once you have registered you will be emailed the course pack along with the link to join the first session on Tuesday 12th November 2024.