What if the freedom we long for isn’t ahead of us in the future, or hidden in a special meditation, but here and now as the very essence of who and what we are?
Join Sufi mystic and author Zahir Khan and Mindfulness teacher Mike Kewley for a rare public conversation, as they explore the themes of spirituality, meditation, awakening, non-duality and enlightenment with insight, wisdom and humour.
Date: Wednesday 3rd August 2022
Time: 7pm-9pm
Venue: iMuseum Lecture Theatre, Kingswood Grove, Douglas, Isle of Man
Tickets are £12.50 each and numbers are limited.
Book your place here
About Zahir:
Zahir Khan is a contemporary mystic in the tradition of Sufism and author of “Falling into the Mystery” and “Reflections (Musings Of A Mad Man In A Sane World)”
He spent eight years studying at the feet of a Master of the Qadriyya school of Sufism and then further study with teachers from the Nondual, Advaita and Buddhist traditions.
His website is www.fallingintothemystery.com
About Mike:
When Mike was 7 years old he know that his purpose in life was to become Enlightened – whatever that meant. He then spent the next 20 years studying the wisdom traditions, travelling in India, Nepal, Pakistan and Burma and seeking out Gurus like Ramesh Balsekar, Tony Parsons and Mooji.
His approach to Mindfulness and Awakening is deeply influenced by Vipassana, Zen Buddhism, Non-duality, neuroscience and the wisdom traditions.
Hiw website is www.mikekewley.com