Transform your World by Transforming Your Mind.
Mindfulness is an ancient yet profound method of mind-training backed by cutting edge neuroscience. This 6-week Mindfulness Training Course is based on my own experience of over 20 years of Meditation, self-exploration and self-inquiry and aims to revolutionise people’s lives by developing a powerful skill-set to navigate each moment with ease.
Here’s an overview of the programme. You’ll receive a handout each week with guided practices to explore in your own time, and an audio version of each class.
Week 1: Living in the Present Moment
Introducing Mindfulness and discovering how shifting our attention away from our thoughts and into our present moment experience, can transform the way we live.
Week 2: Being with the Mind
Exploring our relationship to thinking and introducing the noting technique to cultivate a metacognitive awareness of our thoughts, which come and go like clouds through the sky.
Week 3: Being with the Body
By discovering how to turn our attention towards our physical sensations we can discover a depth of well-being, sensitivity and aliveness, free from the mental chatter which often clouds it. Introducing the body-scan practice.
Week 4: Cultivating Compassion
Cultivating compassion is vital for peace of mind and a valuable skill for navigating difficult emotions, experiences and relationships.
Introducing Loving Kindness practice as a way to generate positivity, friendliness and interconnection.
Week 5: Life is Movement
Recognising that our moment to moment experience is characterised by flow, change and impermanence. Exploring the value of the body-sweep meditation.
Week 6: Mindfulness in Action
Exploring the See-Hear-Feel practice to integrate our Mindfulness skills into daily life. Sharing what we’ve learned about ourselves and how to develop our practice further.
If you would like to join me for the March-April Course then please see the details below.
Dates: Tuesday 16th March – Tuesday 20th April 2021
Time: 7pm – 8.30pm
Price: £115.00 (Includes course handouts)
How to register: email or call 07624 376856
All sessions are held via zoom.
Please note that places are limited and early booking is recommended.