August 2015 Retreat


Wonderful Freedom

~ Coming Home to the Present Moment ~

Join Mindfulness Teacher Mike Kewley on this special non-residential weekend retreat and discover the inherent freedom of your present moment experience.

This retreat is suitable for those who have already completed either an Introduction to Mindfulness course, the MBSR 8-week course, or have their own practice which they would like�wish to deepen and explore further their.

The weekend will involve extended periods of silent meditation, walking meditation and talks on the themes of awareness, impermanence and self.

There will also be a shared vegetarian lunch and a chance to meet and connect with others on their mindfulness journey.

Date: Saturday 15th August to Sunday 16th August 2015

Time: 9am – 4pm

Venue: The Lisa Lowe Centre, The Old School House, Cronkbourne, Braddan, Isle of Man, IM4 4QH.

Price: £50.00

How to book: To register for the retreat or to find out more information please call Mike on 376856 or email

*Participants must be able to attend both days

*Places are limited.